In English



We are a small association for the protection of stray cats located in the Giovenzano valley, a few dozen kilometres from Rome.

After helping many cats on a personal basis for several years, our president, Ms Brunella Bucciarelli, decided in 2017 to found a voluntary association which was recognised as a non-profit organisation in 2019. Our association is also listed in the database of the Italian Donation Institute, which certifies our seriousness and efficiency.

Our mission is to take in cats in distress in the Giovenzano Valley. We sterilise them and take care of them. Then we look for a new family for them or keep them in our shelter when their health problems are too serious. We have rescued many sick and/or abused cats and carried out hundreds of sterilisations and dozens of adoptions.

year 2020

70 sterilisations (52 females and 18 males)

27 adoptions

year 2021

151 sterilisations (109 females and 42 males)

70 adoptions


year 2022

101 sterilisations (75 females and 26 males)

32 adoptions

Right now, there are more than ninety cats in our shelter. They have equipped and heated rooms at their disposal, while being free to go out whenever they want to enjoy a very large area where they can run, climb trees, play… There are no cages in our shelter, except in the treatment room, which has been equipped to accommodate cats needing intensive treatment. The outside area is fenced in, so our friends are completely safe.

On our website, we have published many stories of the cats we have helped (the list can be found here); these stories are in Italian, but you will no doubt be able to understand the gist of them, and we are at your entire disposal to translate or explain in English anything you would like to know more about. We also invite you to take a look at the videos on our YouTube channel, which will give you a glimpse of our shelter.

We do not receive any institutional funding; our work is financed solely by donations from individuals and is carried out exclusively by volunteers. We cover almost all the costs, in particular the cost of neutering and other veterinary care.

Generosity knows no bounds! If, like us, you believe that animals are sentient beings who have the right to be welcomed, cared for and respected, and if you want to support our mission, don’t hesitate to send us a one-off donation or set up a monthly transfer.